childhood unplugged | cure for the homebody kid

Wanna know the cure for grumpy homebody kids? Popsicles, a soccer ball, plenty of open space  (and a pushy mom).  This summer it's been like pulling teeth to get my kids out of the house. They want nothing to do with my summer bucket list. The bucket list that was carefully crafted with their interests in mind **rolls eyes**

I try my best to listen to the reasons why they don't want to do something before I get all in my feelings. Tonight's reason: "I want to watch Pokemon," just wasn't going to cut it. Kids these days don't even know when they need fresh air and a little time with nature.  In the end, they ran, slurped up melting juice form their popsciples and slept well. 

This little excursion wasn't on my bucket list, but it's nice to know my mom instincts are worth something. 

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