I'm Leslie and I live in Washington, DC with my husband, Aaron and our three boys, Zollie, Kingston and Kit. 

Random facts about me:

I almost always have on a hat. 
I waited to find out the gender of my kids. The anticipation is like nothing else you've felt!
Pizza is my favorite.
Baked goods will be my downfall.
One day I will meet Solange and dance with her on stage.
I studied fashion in Paris. It was only for a summer, but I still miss it.  
I have an obsession with eyebrows and if you have good ones, I'll be sure to tell you and admire from afar.
I am saved by grace.
Plants and good cries are therapy.
A belly laugh is good for the soul.
The beach is my happy place. 
I'm an imperfect mess (and I love it)
Your story inspires me.