This week with LK | January 5, 2017

A weekly roundup on mootherhood, photography and work-life balance.

I'm excited to unveil my new format to stay in touch. It felt like I was only reaching out to you when I wanted to tell you about a promotion or send you a random blog post and that isn't me. I want this to be a back and forth exchange between friends.

So, from now on, each week, I'll tell you what's going on with me and I hope you'll reply back and tell me how you are as well. 

I'm looking forward to sharing more documentary and personal work/projects with you. Last year, I had a hard time striking the balance between being a wife, motherhood, photography and personal growth/care. I know I'm not alone, so I've decided to use these emails to share more about what's going on with me personally as well as my photography business. 

A big goal of mine this year is blog consistently which is really hard for me b/c I have no idea what to write. I'm developing content for my blog this year and I'd love to know what you want to learn from me?

What are your goals for this year? Comment below and let me know. 

Talk soon.